Week #85 – Mother’s Day is May 8th! (Read this before making reservations!)
April is coming to a close — and I wanted to take a moment for a little public service announcement to remind those of you who are celebrating Mother’s Day this year:
But before you pick up the phone to make a reservation, take a moment to think about what the ladies in your life REALLY want.
And I’m not talking about jewelry or clothes, purses or perfume.
I polled over 50 ladies this week, and asked them:
What do you REALLY want but are afraid to ask for?
The answers may or may not be surprising — but one thing is for sure: very few of them can be purchased at the mall or served in a restaurant.
Mother’s Day is one of the most stressful days of the year in restaurants. It is NOT a good day to make last minute plans or take your party of nine to try a new place. If the lady in your life LOVES to dine out, and everyone is up for behaving, being on time, and figuring out the bill without her help — then by all means make your reservations now! (But if that’s the case, you’ve probably already done that!)
If not, take heart — and listen to what REAL MOMS told me they REALLY want on Mother’s Day:
For Starters
– Extra Sleep: this may mean sleeping in, a nap during the day, or an undisputed and early lights-out. Most of all — moms want sleep!
– Time Alone: moms have a difficult time asking for this because they love their families — but next to extra sleep, all moms expressed some desire for time alone to read, watch TV, swing in a hammock, putter in the garden, work on a project, or just finish their morning cup of coffee. From just a few extra minutes of solitude to 48 hours away from home — moms want a little time that’s all their own!
– Peace & Quiet: over and over again, moms longed for a day of no fighting, fussing, stress, or strife. This is a good day for kids to practice their best behavior (dads too!).
The Main Course
– Spa Service/Pampering: Meals are big part of any occasion — but most moms I polled want some sort of pampering. A massage, manicure, pedicure, facial, or full service — ladies love to be pampered. (Just be sure to find out her favorite places — or get a recommendation from a friend!)
– Special Dinner at Home: While some do want to go out, most moms said they’d prefer to eat a meal at home — they just don’t want to be responsible for planning, preparing, and cleaning up after it! If you decide to treat mom to a home-cooked feast — just be sure you are prepared to take care of everything (or maybe just order out)! Cleaning up someone else’s mess is not a gift! 😉
– Time with Family: I know, I know — moms said they wanted time alone, right? Well, they also want time with their families. Just gathering everyone under one roof, for one day, could make your mom’s year! (Oh — and maybe ONE good picture of everyone!)
– Gardening & Yard Supplies/Help: Several moms mentioned gardening and yard supplies, and a little help getting things done! One of the most entertaining accounts was of a family that gathered to weed and plant while the mom sat in a chair and gave instructions!
– Stuff: A hammock, flowers, something pretty, something tasty, a movie night, or a scuba diving excursion — there is still a desire for presents, but not always the ones you’d expect! (Don’t be afraid to ask!)
– Handmade Cards/Projects from Kids: Above all, moms cherish those little creations made by tiny hands! Engage the kids in a project for mom (preferably while they are out of the house so mom can read, sleep, pamper, putter, or binge watch her favorite show!)
– Loving Note from Husband/Significant Other: Several moms mentioned that they love to hear from their husbands/partners on Mother’s Day. Just a few words of acknowledgment and appreciation go a long way (but not always all the way…so no strings attached guys, okay?).
– A Simple Thank You: Two words that mean more than anything money can buy!
EXTRAS: It’s hard to make a list of things NOT to do — but over and over again, moms expressed the desire for a day that included:
– No Chores (ideally done for her, not left for Monday morning!)
– No Decisions (mom might like someone else to take the reigns today)
– No Requests (a day without question marks would be delightful)
– No Fighting (for one day, please! You can do this!)
Your Happyness Challenge for the week ahead: Mother’s Day is May 8th! Do you know what the mom in your life REALLY wants? Use this list to jump start the conversation! Present her with a menu of options and have her circle her favorites. You might even be able to multi-task to make sure she gets a little of everything she wants throughout the day. The most important thing is to PLAN AHEAD! Whatever she wants — don’t leave it until the last minute. And if it is reservations — please make them now (and be sure to take care of your server, chances are it’s their Mother’s Day too.)
Above all: Remember that Mother’s Day is available every day — not just once a year!
[A big THANK YOU to all the Dreamers & Builders who took the time to respond to my poll — and whose honest sharing made this post possible!]
Spread Happyness — PLAN AHEAD! And share your Mother’s Day ideas in the comments!
PS: I realize that for some, Mother’s Day is not always the happiest of holidays. Death, disagreements, disconnection, or decline can bring about mixed emotions. If this is you, you are not alone. Many women reported similar feelings. Their advice? Seek refuge in the comfort of safe friends, the company of like-minded people, or in the things that you really want for yourself!
4/29/16 by Grace Church
© Grace Church
Mother’s Day is just a few day before my mother’s birthday. A woman who spent a lifetime attempting to fill a hole so deep, so painful, so indescribable that would never be filled. She never felt the real joy that motherhood brings. That indescribable joy when your child hits a homerun, has his first love, asks for your advice, writes on a card he loves you, laughs at you, teases you and shares fears and anxieties with you. She never soared when her child achieved a success….How sad. And yet, I did love her. Not her behavior but, the woman who just sought for, and never discovered love. She gave me my sense of humor and for that I will be eternally grateful. She believed in a loving God, had an artistic component, and, reached out to those less fortunate even if though they were not her children. Happy Mother’s Day Mom…you did the best you could with what you were death as am I….There is nothing, I mean nothing, that is more satisfying as being a parent…
Thank you so much for sharing this. It certainly seems that motherhood is complicated business — which is why I want moms to celebrate (and be celebrated) in a way that works uniquely for them. There is no cookie-cutter approach! Each mom should have a mother’s day as unique as they are, even if it’s just a quiet reflection on what is lost or never came to pass. To moms everywhere — may they be celebrated, honored, and continue to teach us how to live!