Week #326 – “It feels like you have forever…you don’t.”

Week #326 – “It feels like you have forever…you don’t.” (JoCheryl Holcombe)

Last week, as we turned the corner into December, I could see there were four Fridays left in 2020…which had me thinking:

What does this year have to teach us?

And as I said last week, I’m not one for assigning purpose to tragedy…I think we’re fully capable of learning things without losing people, bearing heartache, or watching dreams die.

Still, I do think there are things to be learned in loss. Not because of the loss necessarily…but in spite of it.

2020 is kind of like that. We’ve all had to learn things we didn’t want to learn. Yet learn them we did. And in some cases, we had to RE-LEARN them. Or at least be reminded of them.

Case in point: Another big lesson for me this year was the echo of JoCheryl Holcombe’s words from 2017 following a mass shooting that left EIGHT family members dead (TEN if you include an unborn child and a close family friend) after the Sutherland Springs, Texas shooting on November 5th.

An acquaintance of mine is friends with her and shared her Facebook post from Wednesday, November 15th — the day her town gathered together to celebrate the lives of the Holcombe and Hill families that were killed en masse just ten days before.

You can still see JoCheryl’s public message on FB here.

I couldn’t possibly add anything to that then, or now — except to agree and share it with you.  As you gather together with family this season — if you get to see them in person, or in a drive-by, via Zoom, or a plain old phone call — remember, it may feel like you have forever.

You don’t.  

(But then again, you do!)

Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead is once again this quote from JoCheryl Holcombe: “So, when you think of those you love and it feels like you have forever, just remember you don’t, but then again, YOU DO! make this life matter, our soul is the only thing we take with us when we are done…it’s worth tending, it’s worth making meaningful deep connections and living each moment in the fullest most meaningful way. BECAUSE everything can change in a holy instant “
(JoCheryl Holcombe via Facebook — 11/15/17)

Spread Happyness — make your moments matter! (However you get them this season!) 

12/11/20 by Grace Church
© Grace Church