Week #292 – Re-Define “Normal“
Greetings Tribe — Happy (and Healthy) Friday to you all!
There’s a lot of talk about re-opening America…getting adults back to work, getting the kids back to school, and getting the economy up and running.
And while there is plenty of debate about how that will happen and what that will look like…everyone seems to agree on one thing:
Things will not be going “back to normal.”
Here in Los Angeles we’re already seeing new versions of what normal might look like: limiting patrons in stores, continued physical distancing, and the wearing of face coverings and gloves out in public.
It’s a great time to consider what our individual “normal” looked like before mid-March…and how much of that we want to keep in our “new normal” post-shutdown.
- What is it that you miss most about your “old normal?”
- What is it that you DON’T miss at all (be honest)?
- What things do you wish you had in place when we went into shutdown?
- What is your plan to make sure you bring these with you into your “new normal?”
Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: Re-Define “Normal.” Most of us have been in shutdown for over a month already. It is inevitable that things will re-open…and it’s probably going to happen sooner than we know it. When you’re finally given the green light to go back to work, back to school, or back to whatever it was you were doing before…what about this shutdown do you want to take with you into your “new normal?”
Stay safe. Stay healthy. And Spread Happyness!
Spread Happyness…and Re-Define “Normal.”
4/17/20 by Grace Church
© Grace Church