Week #232 – Repost: “Fitness never takes a snow day.” (Rob Church)
This post from Week #32 has been on my mind recently. Five years since this text — and three years since our move to LA — and some of my excuses are catching up with me lately. I’ve let some things go…resigned myself to others…gave up some good habits…and picked up some bad ones. Maybe it’s too much sun or easy living…but Rob’s words have been echoing in my mind: “Fitness never takes a snow day.” Hard to believe that in just a little more than six months from the date of this photo he’d be gone forever…
What were my excuses, again? 🙂
[Reposted from Week #32:]
With all the snow recently…and perhaps the timing of the year…this text from Rob has been on my mind. He sent it last year on March 2nd. He was running windsprints at the track. Many people admired Rob for his discipline…but his workouts were deeper than that. They were a habit: as natural as getting up, getting showered, and brushing your teeth. Anyone that knew Rob in high school can attest to the fact that he wasn’t born this way! But as an adult, he got himself to a point where NOT doing it would be weirder than just getting it done!
Personally, I think of this text every time I head out to run on less than pleasant days. I like to run outside…and being able to run along the ocean is a very special gift. Checking the weather is simply not an option. N’oreaster, blizzard, rain, heat, or humidity…I simply won’t let the weather be a deciding factor for me. I learned that from Rob…
…and yet…
…I let a thousand things stand in the way of so much else! I’m in the middle of a big cleaning/decluttering project right now. A few major job changes, a couple of very busy summers, and more than one significant death in our household…I can track back the piles in my little home office space and kitchen to all of these major life events. Reasons…maybe. Excuses…I just can’t let myself get away with it any longer! No more “snow days” for me, Rob!
What about you? Are there things you are putting off for when the time is right, the weather is better, or the conditions are perfect?
Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead (and mine too!): Pick ONE THING that’s been nagging at you since January 1st…and GET IT DONE this week! Next Thursday marks the end of February — and that means one-sixth of the year will be over. Don’t let unfinished business take up any more of your precious time and rob you of your future Happyness this year! Trust me, I know it’s hard…especially when the excuses are so easy. I am SO in this, too! Start small…think of that one thing at the top of your list of to-do’s that you can bang out this week…and get it done!
Spread Happyness — share your challenges, successes, to-do’s or TA-DA’s in the comments!
2/22/19 by Grace Church
© Grace Church
PS: Rob would often include silly or nonsensical quotes (accredited to him) at the bottom of his emails to me (he may have done this to you, too!). I always envied his creativity…and I hope wherever he is, he enjoys being the one I am quoting this week!