Week #209 – Lend a helping hand!

“Superstorm Sandy 2012” (photo credit: Grace Church)

Week #209 – Lend a helping hand!

Greetings Tribe — and Happy Friday!

There have been several reminders of crisis in the past few days: the anniversary of 9/11 and last year’s flooding in Texas come immediately to mind.  And now, as Florence bears down on the East Coast…I see many people remembering and sharing the lessons they learned from Superstorm Sandy.

But what pops up again and again is how people helped one another.  How communities pulled together.  How differences in politics, religion, and all other manner of division fell away in the face of the work in front of us: to weather the storm and come through stronger than before.

This week’s post is short…but the challenge is far-reaching, possibly years into the future!

Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: Lend a hand!  This week, as the effects of Florence unfold — or as a crisis occurs in your own backyard — set your differences aside and lend a hand.  If you aren’t sure what to do, check within your community for crisis response teams or organizations that are coordinating assistance.  Many hands make light work, even when the burden is overwhelming.  The old adage is true…united we stand!

Do you remember a time when your community rallied together to lend a hand?  I’d love to hear about it!

Spread Happyness — share your thoughts in the comments!

9/14/18 by Grace Church
© Grace Church