Week #130 – Two years, six months: “Ride the wave!”


“Forever Young!” (photo credit: Grace Church)

Week #130 – Two years, six months: “Ride the wave!”

Last Sunday, March 5th, marked two and a half years since Rob died.  March also brings this first-year anniversary of our move to Los Angeles — and another birthday for me tomorrow.

It’s been a time of deep reflection.

There are so many ideas I want to write about — but at times like these I feel I need to stop and ground myself in the origin of things.  To remind myself of who I am, where I come from, and how I got here.

To not take things for granted.

So I want to repeat this post from Week #25 and Week #77 because as I paddle into another birthday, another year in LA, and yet another year without Rob — I’m once again very keenly reminded that while the conditions of life may change, it’s up to me to “RIDE THE WAVE.”

“Ride the wave” became a sort of mantra during Rob’s funeral.  I had written it on the back of his car in window chalk…because it was the last thing I said to him.  He was fighting so hard.  And having no words, no answers, no nothing for this perfectly healthy and beautiful young man with everything to live for…the only thing that came to mind was a surfing analogy.

But the words are not mine.  They are wise words that came to us from an experienced screenwriter friend as we were riding the rapidly changing highs and lows of our first script going out to market.  Our friend is a surfer too, and it was a language we immediately understood: you can’t control the outcome, just the effort.  Skills, preparation, determination, focus…those were all on us.  After that, just “ride the wave” the furthest and best you can.

It became a mantra for us when facing difficulties or challenges: “just ride the wave.”

Surfing was a language that Rob understood, too — and it can teach you a lot about life.  You don’t just run out and jump in hoping for the best.  There’s a lot to learn before you get that first ride — and there’s a lot more practice after that in order to do it even moderately well.  Like most things Rob picked up, he took to it almost immediately — and enjoyed it immensely.  And his happiness became our happiness, too!  (You can ride waves of happiness, too!)

Are you — or someone you know — facing a wave right now?

Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: “RIDE THE WAVE!”  Like the waves of the ocean, we can’t always control the conditions in our lives.  You can try to go over them, under them, around them…or get knocked down by them.  Or you can RIDE THE WAVE.  With a little practice and preparation…you can be ready to paddle in when the wave comes to you.  Perfect conditions or not…we can only control our responses.  The enjoyment and fulfillment is in the ride itself!  (And it’s helpful to remember that wipe-outs are legendary, too!)

Whatever you’re facing…you’ve got this!  Paddle in, pop up, and ride that wave!  

Spread Happyness — share your thoughts in the comments.  And RIDE THE WAVE!!!

3/10/17 by Grace Church
© Grace Church


4 thoughts on “Week #130 – Two years, six months: “Ride the wave!”

    1. Grace Church Post author

      Hey JoAnn! Thanks for the birthday wishes! So glad the words meant something to you today! Whatever you are facing — I know you can hang ten like the best of them! Hope to see you soon, too! The Kettle is calling! 😉

  1. Anne

    Riding the wave is the only way. As your being lifted up you are not thinking about the last one. Or do you wonder what’s coming next. Instead, you stay in the moment. My ‘board’ has been assaulted because of my careless, purposeful, self-focused actions but He always lifts me up and over whatever comes my way. Stop. Look. And Listen. Aka: Be still and know that I am God. I am doing more and worrying less….as I Ride the wave smiling with Joy and promise.

    1. Grace Church Post author

      Hello Anne! Thanks for your comment and for continuing to follow along! Yes — taking action (“doing more”) is a great antidote to worry! So glad things are looking up for you!

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