Week #102 – The Gift of Time
Greetings Happyness Tribe — and Happy Friday!
These last few weeks of August are a heavy time. As I mentioned in my post on August 12th — my August/September calendars are marked with “anniversaries.” Reminders of how rapidly Rob’s health declined — and how swiftly and decisively he was taken away.
As I write this, it’s one of those anniversaries: the last time I saw my brother outside of a hospital.
The last time we rode in a car together.
Or shared a laugh.
Or a sandwich.
It is a precious day in my memory. Every minute recorded in great detail — after all, it needs to last me a lifetime.
But one of the things I most remember about that day — is that it was a gift. And by that I mean a literal GIFT — because someone agreed to cover me, so that I could be there with him.
Precious time…made possible by the simple (and unknowing) generosity of another’s.
Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: Give the gift of time! One of the greatest gifts we can give another person is time. And that doesn’t always mean OUR time with them. It might mean giving them time to take care of themselves, take care of business, or take care of someone else. If you find yourself in a position to cover for someone, take something off someone’s plate, or grant someone extra time to take care of something near and dear to them — please do it. I know we all worry about being taken advantage of…there’s no one rule that covers all scenarios. Use good sense and good judgment. But if you’ve got the time…give it. Generously.
It may just be the greatest gift that person receives in his or her lifetime.
Spread Happyness — give the gift of time this week! And share your thoughts in the comments!
8/26/16 by Grace Church
© Grace Church