Category Archives: Uncategorized

Week #270 – Gratitude Games (Ten Easy Ways to Count Your Blessings!)

Week #270 – Gratitude Games (Ten Easy Ways to Count Your Blessings!)

Some weeks are easier than others to post about Happyness.

This week is a challenge. Forget what’s going on at a national level. Yesterday’s school shooting in Santa Clarita (which is in my backyard) is yet another reminder of the absolute and utter chaos we live in on a day-to-day basis.

At which point…I’m immediately reminded of the basics. One of which, is gratitude.


There’s been more written than I can recap here about the benefits of gratitude (just Google “benefits of gratitude” and you can read up on it yourself) — but suffice it to say it’s a relatively low-risk endeavor for a potentially high return.  Gratitude is free, it’s accessible to all, and you don’t have to be in a perfect spot to start.

(In fact, being in an imperfect spot might prove the benefits even more.)

You just need to start.

So I thought I’d repeat a few common ways I’ve seen to count blessings — and open up the floor to see if we can expand the list!

Ten Easy Ways to Count Your Blessings this November

  1. In the Morning — as soon as you open your eyes (and before you reach for your phone) take a moment to appreciate the air in your lungs, the comfort of your bed, the first light of sun, the warm body (or bodies) next to you, the fact that your coffee just clicked on, or that you have a job to go to (or that it’s the weekend).  You get the idea!
  2. In the Evening — once again, when your head hits the pillow (and before you start to scroll), take a moment to reflect back on your day and go over all the things you are grateful for…or, at the very least, that the day is over and you survived!
  3. Alone — you can practice gratitude all on your own.  (No one has to know.)
  4. Together — you can rope others in: family, children, coworkers, friends, a boyfriend/girlfriend, or accountability partner.  Make it a group a challenge!
  5. Numerical – decide on a fixed number for each day, like one at a time or three a day.
  6. Alphabetical — this is my method!  I keep a journal with alphabetized pages where I randomly jot down things that I’m grateful for.  When I’m having a bad day, I can page through the journal quickly to remind myself of all the things that make my heart happy!  And when something occurs to me, it’s easy to find a spot to file it away!
  7. Compounding – starting with November 1st, come up with a corresponding number of items for each calendar date (so one on the first, two on the second, three on the third, etc.).  If I added it up correctly, this will result in a total of 465 items on your list!  (Someone, please check my math!)
  8. In a Jar — keep a pretty jar or vase with strips of paper handy (on the kitchen counter, in the entry way, or in the living room) where your family can randomly jot down things they are grateful for.  Set a date to empty and read through all the items.
  9. On a Tree/Wreath — likewise, keep sticky cut-outs (your can get these in Michaels) or ribbons or strips of paper near a small indoor tree or wreath and add your thoughts throughout the month.
  10. Through the Mail — set aside thirty blank notecards to jot down one thank you note each day throughout the month!

What about you?  What are your favorite ways to count blessings?  Please share them with me via email (below) or in the comments and I’ll add them to the list!

Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: Play the Gratitude Game!  We’re halfway through November…it’s not too late to start.  Pick an idea and run with it!  Try it for a month and see if it lives up to the hype.  What have you got to lose?  Or if you have an idea you love, please take the time to share it with me!  Nothing Spreads Happyness like a grateful heart!

And while I’m at it, let me just say again, I’m so grateful for YOU!!!

Spread Happyness — share your favorite Gratitude Game in the comments!

11/15/19 by Grace Church
© Grace Church

Week #269 – Election Week Repost: Vote “YES” to Happyness!

Week #269 – Election Week Repost: Vote “YES” to Happyness!

This past Tuesday was another Election Day, so I thought I’d repeat my annual Election Day post! Because while some decisions come around only once every year (or four years) — there are hundreds (if not thousands) of little decisions that shape us each and every day!

All across the country, people once again cast votes for Governors, Mayors, representatives, and propositions. Perhaps you supported some of these candidates, debated these choices, or stood up against the ones you don’t believe in.

Can you think of any other decisions you’ve given that much time to?  Or how many “votes” you’ve cast within that time — for or against all kinds of decisions in your own life?

A quick internet search returns multiple sources quoting that people make up to 35,000 decisions every day…from when exactly to get out of bed to when to call it quits for the day.  Some sources say that we make over 200 decisions about food alone!

Each decision is a silent vote:
– YES – I will get out of bed.
– NO – I will not hit the snooze bar again.
– YES – I will floss.
– NO – I will not pick at that blemish.
– YES – I will weigh myself.
– NO – I will not check Facebook before I shower.

The list goes on…and it’s easy to see how we can amass THOUSANDS of little decisions in a very short period of time.

Some of these decisions are quite easy — because we’ve already made bigger, pre-set decisions about them so they fall neatly in line:
– YES – I will go to work and be on time
(therefore, I will get up and out of bed and hit the shower immediately).
– YES – I will take care of my physical health (therefore, I will floss every day, leave my face alone, and weigh myself daily).

When you “vote” early and often for the things you truly want in life — temptations, like really wanting to stay in bed, become small and insignificant compared to the big goals of providing for your family, succeeding in your career, or living a happy and productive life.

Your Happyness Challenge for the week ahead: Vote “YES” to Happyness!  While some decisions only come around once every year (or four years) — there are hundreds (if not thousands) of little decisions that make up EVERY SINGLE DAY of your life.  Add those up — and you have millions of little decisions that shape the course of your entire lifetime.  So what do you say?  Yay or Nay?

Remember to Vote “YES” to Happyness — one precious moment at a time!

Spread Happyness — and share your thoughts!  How do you say “YES” to Happyness?

11/8/19 by Grace Church
© Grace Church

Week #268 – Thank You, First Responders!

Spread Happyness…Share Freely!

Week #268 – Thank You, First Responders!

Greetings Happyness Tribe — and Happy November!

It’s been a busy couple of weeks in California…wildfires have dominated our news. And at every turn, there is one common theme — immense gratitude and appreciation for the first responders who run to the front line to battle the blaze.

Which has me thinking about a post I wrote just about two years ago this time.  We had just experienced a flare up of fires in our area, and my church used the hour in between morning services to write thank you notes to firehouses all across Los Angeles and Ventura Counties.

I thought that was a great idea.

Your police department, firehouse, or ambulance squad doesn’t close because it’s a holiday or because there’s snow.  They don’t get to lock the door and call it quits for the day.

They are ready and waiting — away from their families and friends — to serve you in the event of an emergency.

The wildfires in California once again have us all thanking our first responders.  How about you?

Your Happyness Challenge for the week ahead: Thank your first responders!  November is a great month to practice all kinds of gratitude. Be sure to stop by your local firehouse, police station, or ambulance squad and Spread Happyness their way with a goodie bag, some cookies, or a thank you note letting them know you appreciate their being at the ready while you spend time with your family.  Also, feel free to share the photo above with anyone that you want to say thank you to this week!

(And if you are a first responder — I thank you! And I would love to hear your perspective!)

Spread Happyness — thank your first responders this week!

(And if you or someone you know has a fun way to Spread Happyness this holiday season — please let me know!  I’d love to feature their story of Happyness in Action on the blog!)

11/1/19 by Grace Church
© Grace Church

Week #267 – Procrastinator Alert: Christmas is on December 25th This Year!

My Christmas Project Planner (photo credit…and spiral binding: Grace Church)

Week #267 – Procrastinator Alert: Christmas is on December 25th This Year!

Greetings All — and Happy Friday!!!

I’ve been taking the month of October to look ahead.  Maybe too far ahead for some!  But recently I theorized that, with time moving faster than ever, the only way to seemingly slow it down is to plan…and planning means planning ahead!!!

For Week # 265, I reminded you to gather up your Halloween materials/costumes so that you’re ready to join in the fun as soon as it presents itself (which is this week, by the way)!

And last week I reminded you to take a look at and plot out that magical 5-Day weekend called Thanksgiving!

And today…well, today is October 25th. And that leaves me no choice but to go where nobody wants me to go:

I’m talking about Christmas!!!

And the reason I’m bringing it up is two-fold…1) it’s much easier to talk about the holidays when they are a few months out and nobody really knows what they’re doing; and 2) wouldn’t you like to be the one who knows what you’re doing?!

Unspoken expectations are probably the biggest (and quietest) killers of Christmas cheer. For those who feel let down because their needs aren’t met…there’s disappointment. But for those who feel they didn’t live up to expectations…well, there’s guilt, shame, anger, self-loathing…just to name a few! 😉

That’s not the Christmas list we want!

In an attempt to get a jump on Christmas this year, I’m participating in a group experiment called the Christmas Project Planner. I served on the manuscript development team for this book…and am now on the launch team as well. (You can learn more about the book here…and the launch team here. And if you’d like to join in the fun…click “join” and tell them Grace from SpreadHappyness sent you! I get nothing out of it…but I’d be excited to see you there!)

We will start working through the 21 projects in that book on November 4th…one project a day (except Sundays) up to the day before Thanksgiving Day. This way, as the author often says, we can get the “have to’s” done in November so we can enjoy the “get to’s” in December!

I’m hoping she’s right!

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of muscling through the holidays only to come out limping on the other side. As someone who works in hospitality, is active at church, and travels most of the holiday week…I’m looking for every advantage I can get, especially this shortest of all “holiday” seasons. (26 days…and if you don’t believe me, revisit Week #263 to count the days!)

And for all those of you who prefer to keep Christmas in December…I get it! And I envy your ability to get it all done in four weeks! That’s why I called this a “Procrastinator Alert”…because it’s for those of us who need a little extra time to get it all done, while ultimately keeping it all together! 😉

Are you with me?!

Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: Christmas is December 25th this year! That’s right…they didn’t move it. It’s right there…just two months away from today! Are you ready to plan? Have you already started? Or do you prefer to wait until after Thanksgiving? Whatever your preference, get out your calendar and walk yourself through December…especially the holiday weeks. Are there travel arrangements to make, time to request off, conversations to have, lists to start building, or limits that would be better set now? Even if you don’t take action on them…get them down on paper and revisit them when you’re ready. Your December self might just thank you!

Spread Happyness — Two Months to Christmas!!! Start planning now!!! 🙂

10/25/19 by Grace Church
© Grace Church

Week #266 – Procrastinator Alert: Plan Your Thanksgiving 5-Day Weekend Now!

“Welcome Fall!” (photo credit: Grace Church)

Week #266 – Procrastinator Alert: Plan Your Thanksgiving 5-day Weekend Now!

Greetings All — and Happy Friday!!!

I’m taking this month of October to look ahead.  Maybe too far ahead for some!  But recently I theorized that, with time moving faster than ever, the only way to seemingly slow it down is to plan ahead!!!

Last week I reminded you to gather up your Halloween materials/costumes, so that you’re ready to join in the fun as soon as it presents itself (which might be as early as this weekend)!

This week, I want to look ahead to the most wonderful time of year — that Thanksgiving 4-day (sometimes 5-day) weekend!

Thanksgiving falls on the latest date possible this year (the 28th)…so it feels like a million miles away.  And because of the length of the weekend and the lack of obligatory gift-giving it seems like there will be so much time.

Yet every year, Thanksgiving weekend catches me by surprise!  No sooner have I watched the parade and eaten one too many bites of pumpkin pie and I wake up Friday…with a lot of time on my hands, and no plan! (Or too much to do and not as much time as I thought!)

There has to be an in-between.  And this year I’m determined to find it! Starting with:

Wednesday — First of all, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day is one of the busiest travel days of the year.  So if you’re traveling, consider hitting the road or the airport earlier in the day/week.  That way, you can get where you’re going by the time everyone else is leaving — and partake in…

Friends-Giving — The Wednesday night before Thanksgiving is rumored to be the busiest bar night of the year.  With everyone back home to visit family, it’s an unplanned homecoming of sorts.  Don’t overlook this opportunity to gather with friends, blow off some steam, and fuel up on good vibes that will carry you through Thanksgiving Day. There are also many ecumenical “Thanksgiving Eve” services — and, if you’re in New York, the parade balloon inflation!

Thursday/Thanksgiving Day — If you love the parade (like I do), make sure to check your local listing and make it clear to everyone that you are tuning in to watch.  (If you’re going to the parade, even better!)  Same with football, the dog show, or It’s a Wonderful life…be sure to communicate your Thanksgiving Day traditions to your family and schedule around them.  Also — if you work out regularly, don’t skip this day!  Make sure you have time to get out and get your workout in before heading off to sit/eat/nap/argue about politics for the rest of the day!  Most important, remember what this day is all about…gratitude.  If you’re lucky enough to spend it with family, enjoy them to the fullest extent you can (and then leave)!  😉

Friday After/Black Friday — Whatever your Thanksgiving Friday traditions are, be sure to have a plan in place to execute and enjoy your day.  Whether you are shopping, baking, decorating, or getting out in nature — make sure you have everything you need at the ready to enjoy it.  This is the day I often got caught short…I used to shop with my sister/mom every black Friday but as our schedules changed and we couldn’t get together I found myself floundering.  If you are mourning traditions that are no longer in place, this might be the year to create a new one!

Saturday/Small Business Saturday — I know it’s a gimmick by AmEx to keep us shopping but Saturday is a great day to explore/support your hometown or other small town.  It’s also a good day to decorate, send holiday cards, visit family you may have missed, or just relax and enjoy your house!

Sunday/First Sunday of Advent — As I mentioned a few weeks ago, 2019 will see the shortest possible holiday “shopping season” with only 26 days between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Whatever your First Day of Advent traditions are, make sure you have them in place to usher in the holiday season.  Otherwise, for those of you going back to work/school on Monday — this is a great day to stick close to home and give yourself some time to prepare/ease yourself into the long week (and short season) ahead!

Sorry if it bums you out talking about December 1st already…but by planning ahead, it might just be possible to anticipate and enjoy the season that much more. 

I’m willing to give it a try…are you?

Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: Plan your Thanksgiving 4- or 5-day weekend now! Walk yourself through each day, maybe even in reverse, and think through (or discuss) how you want to spend them. Will you have friends in town? Are there movies to see? Family to visit? Traditions to keep? If you’re traveling can you leave early/come home later to save yourself from traffic? And if you’re going to be on the road all weekend — maybe you want to schedule an extra day off for yourself before going back to school/work. Finally, if you’re like me and you work through most of the holiday — how can you create meaningful pockets of time to stop and celebrate with others?

Spread Happyness — tell me, how do you plan to spend the long Thanksgiving Weekend?

10/18/19 by Grace Church
© Grace Church

Week #265 – Procrastinator Alert: Prep your Halloween costume NOW!

Neighborhood Ghosts (photo credit: Grace Church)

Week #265 – Procrastinator Alert: Prep your Halloween costume NOW!

Greetings Tribe — and Happy Friday!

Halloween may seem like a month away, but its Thursday date this year means that many people will be partying the weekend before. Some towns are even having trick-or-treating events as early as THIS weekend!

Do you have your costumes picked out yet?

When we were kids, it felt like we had months to scheme and plan and prep the perfect costumes for that one magical night a year. Some of us even had time to practice our make-up weeks in advance!

Now we’re lucky if we can throw together a good “couch potato” costume in short order!

Every year I resolve to come up with something better, more imaginative, more creative than my tried-and-true Rosie the Riveter garb…and every year I wind up pulling the same old jeans, boots, and red bandana out of the closet from the very same place I left them last year (and hoping they fit!). All the while wondering what else I could have pulled together if I just…had…a little…more…time.

How about you? Have you thought about Halloween yet? If not, here are some places to go for inspiration:

  • Movies
  • Books
  • TV shows (ah…Ms. Maisel)
  • Video Games
  • Music
  • Hobbies
  • History
  • Sports
  • Pop Culture
  • Favorite Activities

And remember, group costumes are a fun way to expand on a theme and get the whole family/office/group involved!

Your Happyness Challenge for the week ahead: Prep your Halloween costume NOW! Even if it’s your tried-and-true Rosie the Riveter costume…dig it out this weekend and try it on for size. And if you have more time, brainstorm a list of ideas that might fit the bill this year. Talk with your family/friends/co-workers about what you could pull together as a team. Most important, settle on one idea (even if it’s just a back-up) — and get everything ready and in one spot. That way, if you don’t get around to fulfilling your vision of all that your Halloween costume COULD be…you’ll have something at the ready so YOU can join in the fun anyway!

BONUS: if you find yourself with lots of extra Halloween supplies you don’t need, offer them up to your friends or donate them to your local thrift store! You’ll be sure to Spread Happyness to someone else this Halloween!

Spread Happyness — share your favorite go-to costume ideas in the comments!

10/11/19 by Grace Church
© Grace Church

Week #264 – Q4 is Underway! (What do you have left to do in 2019…or this decade?!)

Q4 – 2019 (photo credit: Grace Church)

Week #264 – Q4 is Underway! (What do you have left to do in 2019…or this decade?!)

Greetings Tribe — and Happy Friday!

We just barely flipped the calendar from September — and it feels like someone fired a starting gun somewhere!

As I’ve written before, the turn into October is usually a white-flag moment for me: the last lap.  A time to stop, take stock, and set a course for Q4 — the finish line of the calendar year.

But I’m seeing more and more of this recently in a bigger way: 90-day pushes, holiday planning in September, and even 2020 goal-setting. I mean, did you realize that these are the last three months of THIS DECADE?! (I didn’t until someone pointed it out to me last week!)

It makes Q4 feel less like a final lap and more of an on-ramp!

(And yes, it was me who suggested you start thinking about the holidays LAST week!)

But I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing. For whatever reason, time does seem to be moving faster. There’s a lot of theories about that: the digital/information age, our busier lives/schedules, perhaps instant gratification and the lack of anticipation for most things (which explains why waiting for anything anymore seems to bring time to a stand-still!).

(The third thing has my attention…because what if WAITING (or planning) is actually the key to slowing things down? More on this in the upcoming weeks!)

Regardless, Q4 is special because it brings the calendar year to a distinct close and gives us a unique opportunity to reflect and celebrate all that we’ve accomplished, completed, achieved, and experienced in the year that has passed. (This year is super special because it brings the 10’s to a close!)

Which brings me to my question:

Have you been keeping up with your dreams and goals this year?  If so…good for you!!!  Hopefully you’ve been keeping track of the good stuff, too: gratitudes, achievements, highlights, benchmarks, photos, accomplishments. (If not, don’t worry.  Check out Week #68 for some surefire ways to remember these things!)

Or maybe this year has thrown you a curveball…maybe it downright pulled the rug out from under you. If so, now is a good time to take stock and think about how this last quarter can bring you some healing, some closure, or at least a chance to regain your footing. (I lost my brother in September of 2014 and I remember that 4th quarter was very foggy.)

What do you have left to do in 2019…or in this decade?!

Your Happyness Challenge for the week ahead: What do you have left to do in 2019?  Is there something you still need to do that is nagging at you?  Something you DON’T want to take into the 20’s? If so…you’ve got thirteen full weeks to get it done!  Don’t take unfinished business into the new year or new decade.  Break it down into steps…share it with a friend…find yourself a buddy…get to work…and get it DONE!

Most important…keep collecting the good stuff!  Keep on keeping track of those things that bring you hope, happiness, and satisfaction!  Because we need more of that.  More focus on the wins.  More focus on what’s right.  More focus on loving our lives — so that we can live our lives more fully.

To Life! To Love!! To Happyness!!!

Spread Happyness — share your thoughts and plans for Q4 in the comments!

10/4/19 by Grace Church
© Grace Church

Week #263 – Start talking about the holidays NOW!

“Tis the Season!” (photo credit: Grace Church)

Week #263 – Start talking about the holidays NOW!

Greetings all — and Happy Friday!!!

This week I’m going to revisit one of the five ideas I posted last week on ways to Welcome Fall.

And I know it’s going to ruffle some turkey feathers again this year…but here it goes:


(To see the other four ideas…check out Week #262.)

Last week I acknowledged that this one is a little controversial because nobody likes to be rushed into the holidays…but waiting until November 29th to start talking about who is spending which holiday where is too late!

Especially this year, with one of the shortest “holiday” seasons possible: only 26 days between Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve this year — versus 32 in 2018!

Let me repeat that: 26 DAYS!!! (That’s not even four full weeks!)

And I don’t know about you but I like to enjoy Thanksgiving Weekend for what it is (a very rare 4-day holiday weekend) — not some violent induction into the 2019 Holiday Season!


Christmas and New Year’s are literally 3 months away.  That’s just the end of baseball season, Halloween, Election Day, and one Thanksgiving Day away…and BAM! They’re HERE!!!

This year, give yourself the gift of a well-planned holiday season!

Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: Start talking about the holidays NOW! Some of you may be nodding your heads in agreement…and others may be wanting to choke me through the screen.  I’m okay with that…because if this post helps even one person get ahead of their holiday, I’m willing to take that risk!  🙂  This year, give yourself the gift of a well-planned holiday season.  Start planning…NOW!

(And chances are, no matter what you do, you’re probably going to disappoint at least one person anyway…make sure it isn’t yourself!)

Spread Happyness — Too soon?  Share your thoughts in the comments!

9/27/19 by Grace Church
© Grace Church

Week #262 – Welcome Fall! (Celebrate the first days of Autumn!)

“Welcome Fall!” (photo credit: Grace Church)

Week #262 – Welcome Fall! (Celebrate the first days of Autumn!)

(This topic is an annual favorite — and well worth repeating yet again!)

Greetings All — and Happy Friday!

The Autumnal Equinox will occur at 3:50am ET this Monday, September 23rd.  It’s the exact moment when the sun shines equally on both sides of the Equator.  The word itself means “equal night” — as these days are marked by equal parts sunlight and darkness.

And for a moment — perfect balance.

I know for many of you, the “end” of Summer is a sad time: light fades, the air cools, summer flowers surrender.

For others, the “beginning” of Fall is a celebration: work/school routines are back in place, trees start to show their colors, football, sweaters, boots, and pumpkin-everything is back!  🙂

Whether you’re on Team Summer or Team Fall — I hope you squeezed all you could out of the Summer of 2019.  But if not, don’t despair.  Another 13-week season starts today!  A new beginning, a new quarter, and for many a new year ahead!

The Autumnal Equinox gives us the perfect opportunity to step back, take stock, re-balance — and to finish the year strong!

Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: WELCOME FALL!  Welcome this season of harvest, storage, and preparation by turning inward: take stock in yourself, make room for only what’s necessary, and set a goal or direction for the next three months of your life.  The Winter Solstice is exactly thirteen weeks away!  Don’t wait until December to start thinking about New Year’s resolutions and goals…START NOW!  Use the Fall Season as a runway into 2020.  The next thirteen weeks are going to pass one way or another…how do you want to spend this season?!

Some ideas:

  1. DECORATE — this is the easiest way to mark the change of seasons.  Don’t wait for the leaves to turn or for Halloween decorations to appear…get out your scarecrows and pumpkins now and give yourself a visual cue that a new season has arrived.  WELCOME IT!
  2. CLEAN — there is a lot of talk of “Spring” cleaning at the Vernal Equinox — but Fall has it’s own cleaning and decluttering rituals too.  As we turn our focus inward to our homes — it makes sense that we would declutter and clean in preparation for the indoor months ahead.  Use this time to get rid of things you no longer need — and make room for the things that will sustain and nurture you through the dark and cold of winter.  MAKE ROOM FOR IT!
  3. SET NEW GOALS — Just like cleaning and decluttering makes room in our homes, cleaning and decluttering of the mind makes room in our psyche.  Every thirteen weeks we are given the opportunity to start a “new season.”  Start this Fall with a little quiet time to consider what you’d like to accomplish by the END of this year, what obligations or habits you need to shed to make that possible, and what new resources you may need to help you get there!  DREAM ABOUT IT!
  4. PLAN FALL FUN — NOW is the time to look at your fall calendar (October/November/December) and plot some time for the activities you like best.  Harvest festivals, ghost tours, apple picking, that one last Indian Summer day at the shore…think about the things that bring you joy this time of year and plan them out ahead of time!  PLAN IT!
  5. START TALKING ABOUT THE HOLIDAYS NOW — This one is a little controversial because nobody likes to be rushed into the holidays…but waiting until November 29th to start talking about who is spending which holiday where is too late!  And I don’t know about you but I like to enjoy Thanksgiving Weekend for what it is (a very rare 4-day holiday weekend) — not some violent launch into what is supposed to be such a peaceful/magical season!  GET OUT AHEAD OF IT!

At the very least — set aside time this weekend to think about what you need to feel happy in the 13 weeks ahead.

Remember — it takes a happy person to Spread Happyness!

Spread Happyness — share your favorite Autumn rituals and activities in the comments!

9/20/19 by Grace Church
© Grace Church

Week #261 – Another Wave! (And 261 Ways to Spread Happyness!)

“Ride the Wave” wall art (purchased at Target)

Week #261 – Another Wave! (And 261 Ways to Spread Happyness!)

Greetings Happyness Tribe — and welcome to WEEK #261!

(Not Week #301 as last week’s post was mis-numbered!)

This week begins another trip around the sun for Spread Happyness! Five years and 261 blog posts later, I’m still going…are you?! 🙂

As I’ve done in the past, here’s a recap of all the ways we’ve Spread Happyness from the very beginning. Do you have a favorite?! If so, I’d love to hear about it!

(And if you have an idea for a future post or feature…I’d love to hear about that, too!)

But before we get to that, let me once again take this moment to say THANK YOU again to each and every one of you who have logged on, followed along, shared your thoughts, supported the effort, and above all — who’ve SPREAD HAPPYNESS these past five years!!!

Because cancer isn’t the only thing that can spread.  Happyness can too! 

261 Ways to Spread Happyness!
#1 – Wave Big!
#2 – Say Hello Like You Mean It!
#3 – Nicknames…and other ways to win friends and influence people!
#4 – Build Your Character Muscles
#5 – How to Be Beautiful (in Three Easy Steps)
#6 – Pure Energy: Are you an outlet or a plug?
#7 – Don’t Pretend…Make Plans (Go get your wings!)
#8 – Are you a Smiling Guy (or Gal)?
#9 – Who’s ready for some “Strange Magic?”
#10 – What’s on your wish list?
#11 – There’s no “I” in “Generous.”
#12 – There’s no “I” in “Thoughtful” either!
#13 – Hey, how ya’ doing?
#14 – Do you have a “Happy Heart?”
#15 – Looking Ahead: Remember the Why behind your What!
#16 – Can you say, “I love my life!”?
#17 – Ten Practical Ways to “Spread the Warmth” this Cold Snap
#18 – Roll Me Away: What’s your escape song?
#19 – You are worthy!
#20 – How about a “Breath of Fresh Air?”
#21 – Have a “Rob Church Kinda Day!”
#22 – Come on, get happy! (And give some, too!)
#23 – “Fitness never takes a snow day!”
#24 – “Keep it shiny side up!” (Dedicated to Gregory Pellinger)
#25 – “Ride the Wave!” (Reflections at the Six-Month Mark)
#26 – There’s always…Bowling!
#27 – “Let the balloon go…” (What are you holding on to?)
#28 – “Take the long way home…”
#29 – “Where to now?” (Happy Spring!)
#30 – What is your “Always…”?
#31 – “Honoring & Remembering”
#32 – “Where do all the socks go?”
#33 – “Heavy on my mind…” (Who are you thinking of?)
#34 – Start with your Heart (Nine ways to be “Truly Compassionate”)
#35 – “My sunshine on this earth!” (What weather best describes you?)
#36 – “Remembered Always…” (Putting the Memorial back in Memorial Day)
#37 – “The Power of Love” (What’s on your summer playlist?)
#38 – “Keep Going!”
#39 – “Summa-time is Funna-time!” (Are YOU having FUN yet?)
#40 – Summer Fun Challenge: “Come play with me!”
#41 – Summer Fun Challenge: “Ride the Rides!”
#42 – Summer Fun Challenge: “Family Time!”
#43 – Summer Fun Challenge: “Walk the Boards and Ride the Waves!” (Dedicated to Rob Kalp)
#44 – Summer Fun Challenge: “One Tank Trips!”
#45 – Summer Fun Challenge: Pool Volleyball (and other ways to GET WET!)
#46 – Summer Fun Challenge: “Quiet Time!”
#47 – Summer Fun Challenge: “Lessons Available!” (Learn to ___________!)
#48 – Summer Fun Challenge: “Just Watch!”
#49 – Summer Fun Challenge: “Feeding Time!”
#50 – Summer Fun Challenge: “Keep ’em Flying!”
#51 – Summer Fun Challenge: “CELEBRATE!”
#52 – Endings and Beginnings (A big wave hello or goodbye?)
#53 – The Next Wave
#54 – Welcome Fall! (Celebrate the first days of Autumn!)
#55 – Which way to Happyness?
#56 – Looking for Signs (Which do you see first?)
#57 – Are you “Loving Life” in 2015? (Ten weeks left to make it happen!)
#58 – Ten Weeks to Happyness: “Get your priorities straight!”
#59 – Nine Weeks to Happyness: “Don’t dream it…BE IT!”
#60 – Eight Weeks to Happyness: CONNECT! (Dedicated to Jodi Lupo and her beautiful Val.)
#61 – Seven Weeks to Happyness: TAKE ACTION! (What coffee cups and Christmas Trees taught me this week!)
#62 – Six Weeks to Happyness: EXPRESS YOURSELF! (Happyness in Action – with Scott Cuzzo)
#63 – Five Weeks to Happyness: TOYS for…TRUCKS?! (Happyness in Action – with Amy Wood-Oblen)
#64 – Four Weeks to Happyness: RANDOM ACTS of KINDNESS (Happyness in Action – with Kindness for Christopher)
#65 – Three Weeks to Happyness: SPREAD THE WARMTH! (Happyness in Action – with Aubrey McCarrick)
#66 – Two Weeks to Happyness: SPREAD THE LOVE! (Happyness in Action – with Sarah Harmeyer)
#67 – One Week to Happyness: SPREAD HAPPYNESS!
#68 – One Surefire Way to “Love Your Life” in 2016!
#69 – Back to Basics: SMILE!
#70 – Back to Basics: WAVE BIG!
#71 – Back to Basics: Say Hello Like You Mean It!
#72 – Back to Basics: Hey, how ya’ doing?”
#73 – Happy February!  “Have a Rob Church Kinda Day!”
#74 – “I believe in you!” (Encourage someone today!)
#75 – Rough Road? (Take a closer look!)
#76 – Lose someone? Tell me…”What was he/she like?”
#77 – One Year, Six Months: “Ride the Wave!”
#78 – “Forever Young!”
#79 – Hidden Treasures
#80 – To Life! (Happy Spring!)
#81 – Row or Float?
#82 – What color are your memories?
#83 – “All I need is a pair of wheels…”
#84 – What is Your Art? (Dedicated to Phil Hirlemann)
#85 – Mother’s Day is May 8th (Read this before making reservations!)
#86 – “Take care of yourself!” (Especially on Mother’s Day)
#87 – “Keep playing that guitar!” (Don’t let your dreams gather dust!)
#88 – Go Fish! (What’s on your mind?)
#89 – Remember: Keep the “Memorial” in Memorial Day!
#90 – Summer Fun List! (37 random ways to have fun this summer)
#91 – Father’s Day is June 19th! (Read this before you buy another necktie or coffee mug!)
#92 – Watch for Rainbows!
#93 – Live Your Legacy (in memory of Sean Rollnick)
#94 – Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of…Happyness!
#95 – Hard at Work?  Stay Cool!
#96 – Sit down and rock a while!
#97 – Start spreading the news!  (The news you want to see!)
#98 – Stop and smell the… (whatever makes you happy!)
#99 – Go Ahead…Reminisce (and Remember Together)
#100 – Just…Breathe.
#101 – Good Company
#102 – The Gift of Time
#103 – No Regrets (What’s in your bucket?)
#104 – 104 Ways to Spread Happyness!
#105 – Another Wave!
#106 – Welcome Fall!  (Celebrate the first days of Autumn!)
#107 – “How can I help?”
#108 – When in doubt, reach out!
#109 – Send a smile…send mail!
#110 – Countdown to Happyness! (Spread the Word!)
#111 – Ten Weeks to Happyness! (“Go get your wings!)
#112 – Nine Weeks to Happyness: Vote “YES” to Happyness!
#113 – Eight Weeks to Happyness: Thank a Veteran!
#114 – Seven Weeks to Happyness: Spread Kindness!
#115 – Six Weeks to Happyness: Count Your Blessings!
#116 – Five Weeks to Happyness: Monster Trucks for Toys!
#117 – Four Weeks to Happyness: Send Happy Mail!
#118 – Three Weeks to Happyness: Spread the Love!
#119 – Have a “Happy Heart-mas!”
#120 – Did you “Love Your Life” in 2016?
#121 – New Year, New View! (What are you looking toward in 2017?)
#122 – Plan Ahead (Your year…at a glance!)
#123 – Lower the Ladder!
#124 – Back to Basics: Smile, Wave, Say Hello, and ask “How are you doing?”
#125 – Valentine’s Day is February 14th!
#126 – “Have a Rob Church Kinda Day!”
#127 – Prepare to FLY!
#128 – Happyness in Action (Take the Giving Challenge)
#129 – WANTED: Happyness Spreaders!
#130 – Two years, six months: “Ride the wave!”
#131 – Out with the old!  (What are you holding on to?)
#132 – “We’re all on our own stage…” (In memory of Cindy Tedesco)
#133 – Feedback & Follow Up!
#134 – Forgive!
#135 – TO LIFE!  (What are you looking forward to this spring?)
#136 – Repost: “All I need is a pair of wheels…”
#137 – “Grab a coffee!”
#138 – Mother’s Day is May 14th!
#139 – “Take care of yourself!” (Especially on Mother’s Day)
#140 – Clear the deck!  (Summer’s coming!)
#141 – REMINDER: Keep the “Memorial” in Memorial Day
#142 – It’s Graduation Season! (What’s the best/worst advice for grads?)
#143 – Father’s Day is June 18th!
#144 – BE STILL! (Celebrate the Solstice!)
#145 – Summer Fun Lists: What’s in YOUR top ten?
#146 – Summer Fun: Take a hike!
#147 – Summer Fun: Take a seat!
#148 – Summer Fun: Take a drive!
#149 – Summer Fun: Make memories! (And share them, too!)
#150 – Summer Fun: Invite someone along!
#151 – Summer Fun: Mentor someone!
#152 – Summer Fun: “Take your baby to the carnival…”
#153 – Summer Fun: Spread Good Words!
#154 – Summer Fun: Play Tourist…in your Hometown!
#155 – Summer Fun: Spread Happyness (and start with yourself first!)
#156 – Three Years! (and 156 ways to Spread Happyness)
#157 – Another Wave! (Reflections at the Three Year Mark)
#158 – Welcome Fall!
#159 – Not sure what to do? (Reach out and help someone!)
#160 – Q4 is Here! (What do you have left to do in 2017?)
#161 – Roll Me Away! (Listen to your longings this week!)
#162 – To Whom It May Concern (Say “Thank You” this week!)
#163 – Ten Weeks to Happyness! (Don’t pretend; make plans: “Go get your wings!”)
#164 – Nine Weeks to Happyness: Vote “YES” to Happyness!
#165 – Eight Weeks to Happyness: Thank a Veteran!
#166 – Seven Weeks to Happyness: “If it feels like you have forever; you don’t!” (JoCheryl Holcombe)
#167 – Six Weeks to Happyness: Count Your Blessings!  (30 Days of Gratitude Starts Now!)
#168 – Five Weeks to Happyness: MONSTER TRUCKS for TOYS! (Happyness Re-Revisited with Amy Wood-Oblen)
#169 – Four Weeks to Happyness: Make your house a Special Delivery! (Happyness in Action with Jessica Suto)
#170 – Three Weeks to Happyness: Thank You, First Responders!
#171 – Two Weeks to Happyness: “Love those to the left and right of you” (Happyness Re-Revisited with Sarah Harmeyer and Neighbor’s Table)
#172 – Did you “Love Your Life” in 2017? (How’s the view?)
#173 – Welcome to 2018!!!  (What tracks do you want to make this year?)
#174 – PLAN AHEAD! (And USE those calendars!)
#175 – Spread Happyness: SEND MAIL!
#176 – Happyness Re-Visited: 2,000 Smiles and Counting! (with Renee Eisman)
#177 – Valentine’s Day is February 14th!  (Read this before buying that expensive gift!)
#178 – Have a “Rob Church Kinda Day!”
#179 – Back to Basics: Smile, Wave, Say Hello, and ask “How are you doing?”
#180 – Spread Happyness: CONNECT!
#181 – Three years, six months: “Ride the wave!
#182 – Share good news!
#183 – “I believe in you!” (Encourage someone today!)
#184 – “We are all on our own stage, and it’s up to us how to act!” (In memory of Cindy Tedesco)
#185 – “Take the long way home!”
#186 – Notice the color of someone’s eyes!
#187 – Repost: Happyness in Action – Take the Giving Challenge!  (with Stephanie L. Jones)
#188 – Are you an outlet…or a plug?
#189 – “Heavy on my mind…”  (Who are you thinking of?)
#190 – Mother’s Day is May 13th! (Here’s a dozen ideas that DON’T involve reservations!)
#191 – Take care of yourself! (Especially on Mother’s Day)
#192 – Don’t let your dreams gather dust!
#193 – REMINDER: Keep the “Memorial” in Memorial Day!
#194 – File a COMPLIMENT!
#195 – Father’s Day is June 17th!  (Remember: the best gifts start with an “F”)
#196 – Make a Lane! (Dedicated to Sean Young, HHS Class of 1992)
#197 – Summer Fun Lists! (What’s in YOUR top ten?)
#198 – Summer Fun List: It’s the Fourth of July!!! (Do you know where your fireworks are?)
#199 – Summer Fun List: “Walk the Boards and Ride the Waves!!!”
#200 – Summer Fun List: Sit a spell!
#201 – Summer Fun Challenge: Don’t forget to water your mail carrier! (And other service professionals, too!)
#202 – Summer Fun List: Watch the grass (or weeds) grow!
#203 – Summer Fun List: “Take your baby to the carnival!” (or county fair, or farm and horse show!)
#204 – Summer Fun Challenge: Spread Good Words!  (Here are three ways to do it!)
#205 – Summer Fun Challenge: Mentor someone!
#206 – Summer Fun Challenge: Thank You, First Responders!
#207 – Summer Fun: It’s Labor Day Weekend!  (What’s left on your list?!)
#208 – Reflections at the Four-Year Mark (and 208 Ways to Spread Happyness!)
#209 – Lend a helping hand!
#210 – Welcome Fall! (Celebrate the first days of Autumn!)
#211 – Start talking about the holidays NOW!
#212 – Support a Caregiver!
#213 – Find a way to say “Thank You” this week!
#214 – Q4 is Underway! (What do you have left to do in 2018?)
#215 – Ten Weeks to Happyness! (Don’t pretend…make plans: “Go get your wings!”)
#216 – Gratitude Games (Ten Easy Ways to Count Your Blessings!)
#217 – Vote “YES” to Happyness!
#218 – Thank You, First Responders!
#219 – Keep Counting!  (33 Days of Gratitude Starts Now!)
#220 – MONSTER TRUCKS for TOYS rolls on!  (Happyness Continued — with Amy Wood-Oblen)
#221 – Happyness: It’s in the Mail!  (3,000 Smiles and STILL Counting…with Renee Eisman)
#222 – Three Weeks to Happyness: Permission to “Take a Pass.”
#223 – Have a “Happy Heart-mas!”
#225 – Goals, Resolutions, Reviews, and Habits (Are you wading out or plunging into 2019?)
#226 – Spread Happyness: PLAN AHEAD! (And USE those calendars!)
#227 – Spread Happyness: Phone a friend!
#228 – Make Time for Play!
#229 – Spread the Love! (Happyness Celebrated with Sarah Harmeyer and Neighbor’s Table)
#230 – Valentine’s Day is February 14th! (Read this before buying that expensive gift!)
#231 – Back to Basics: Smile, Wave, Say Hello, and Ask “How are you doing?”
#232 – Repost: “Fitness never takes a snow day.” (Rob Church)
#233 – Happy March! (And Cheers to New Beginnings!)
#234 – Four Years, Six Months: “Ride the wave!”
#235 – “Grab a coffee!” (or a movie, or tea, or a walk…)
#236 – To Life! (Happy Spring!)
#237 – “We are all on our own stage, and it’s up to us how to act!” (An annual remembrance of Cindy Tedesco)
#238 – Catch someone doing something RIGHT! (File a compliment!)
#239 – “Honor and Remember…” (Who can you remember this week?)
#240 – Seek Beauty in Ashes
#241 – The Hope in Happyness
#242 – Mother’s Day is May 12th! (Here’s a dozen ideas that DON’T involve reservations!)
#243 – “Take care of yourself!” (Especially on Mother’s Day)
#244 – What difference could 15 minutes make? (Check out this math!)
#245 – REMINDER: Keep the “Memorial” in Memorial Day!
#246 – It’s Graduation Season! (What’s the best/worst advice for grads?)
#247 – Summer Fun Lists! (How do you plan to have FUN this summer?)
#248 – This Sunday is Father’s Day! (So remember: the best gifts start with an “F!”)
#249 – Summer Fun: The Power of…Playlists!
#250 – Summer Fun List: It’s Fourth of July Week!!! (Do you know where your fireworks are?)
#251 – Summer Fun List: “Hit the Road!”
#252 – Summer Fun List: “Hit the Boards!”
#253 – Summer Fun List: Hit the Water! (Dedicated to our childhood friend and neighbor, Dean Morris)
#254 – Summer Fun List: Hit the Porch! (…or deck, or patio, or tailgate…)
#255 – Summer Fun List: It’s County Fair Time!!!
#256 – Summer Fun List: Watch the grass (or weeds) grow!
#257 – Summer Fun List: Spread Good Words! (Here are four easy ways to do it!)
#258 – Summer Fun List: Mentor someone!
#259 – Summer Fun: It’s Labor Day Weekend! (What’s left on your list?!)
#260 – The Hard Work of Happyness (Reflections at the Five-Year Mark)
#261 – Another Wave! (And 261 Ways to Spread Happyness!)

Here’s to another 52!

Spread Happyness — please share your thoughts in the comments!

9/13/19 by Grace Church
© Grace Church