Category Archives: Uncategorized

Week #290 – Cheers to all the Happyness Spreaders!

Cheers! (photo credit: Grace Church)

Week #290 – Cheers to all the Happyness Spreaders!

Greetings, Tribe — Happy and Healthy Friday to you All!

I have to be honest…I had my choice of two posts this week. My first one was dark. Never before (I thought to myself) could I remember starting a month and not knowing how it would end…

…except then I remembered September 2001.

…and April 2014.

We are living in unprecedented and uncertain times. We don’t know how this month will end. What life will look like. Or how we will get back to “normal.” (Whatever “normal” will be from now on.)

But one thing is for certain…the time will pass, and each day we will make a decision:

To spread fear…or to Spread Happyness.

I deleted my first post and took my own advice instead:

MY Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: Cheers to all the Happyness Spreaders! I want to thank all of you who are using social media to Spread Happyness during this incredibly stressful and uncertain time. Those who are trying to ease the tension, lighten the burden, or loosen the fear…if even for a moment (or a meme)! You are the candles for others when their own lights fade or flicker…thank you for keeping it positive, keeping it real, and for keeping the laughs coming!

Spread Happyness — Cheers to all the Happyness Spreaders!

4/3/20 by Grace Church
© Grace Church

Week #289 – Back to Basics: Stay Healthy and Stay Connected!

Week #289 – Back to Basics: Stay Healthy and Stay Connected!

Greetings Tribe — and Healthy Friday to you all!

(I’m changing my usual greeting to “Healthy” because that’s what’s top of mind right now.)

As social distancing measures increase throughout the country and more cities go into “lockdown” mode — our body language, voices, and verbal communication skills are being brought to the forefront.

Texting and GIF’s just aren’t enough for this. We need to see people, to look at their faces, to hear their voices, to feel their spirit.

There are many statistics that argue how much of communication is verbal versus physical…I’ll leave that to you to Google this morning. Most agree that more than half of our communication is in body language alone. And even more is in other non-verbal cues.

But we don’t need a study to know that. Anyone who’s ever lived or worked with another human being long enough knows: it’s not always what we say, but HOW we say it — in tone, body posture, and a little eye-roll here and there!

Its a good reminder that Happyness isn’t spread by big effort or rocket-science…it’s in the most basic of communication.  And it’s ours for the giving…any time…free of charge.  Especially at a time such as this. We just need to count to four:

  1. Wave Big
  2. Smile
  3. Say Hello Like You Mean It
  4. Ask: How are you doing?

Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: BACK TO BASICS!  It’s very easy to shrink back from everyone and isolate ourselves in fear — or skip the basics and get right into the issues that are top of mind right now (there are SO MANY!).  And while both instincts are certainly valid — they aren’t always the things that connect us.  (And in some cases, they might actually threaten to divide and separate us.)  So as you continue to both ground and distance yourself this week (all while adjusting to ever changing news and updates) — remember to CONNECT with those you encounter and count to four first…smile, wave, say hello, and ask “How are you doing?”

Spread Happyness — Stay Healthy and Stay Connected!

3/27/20 by Grace Church
© Grace Church

Week #288 – Just Spread Happyness

“There are two ways of spreading light…” (Edith Wharton)

Week #288 – Just Spread Happyness

Greetings Tribe:

Last week I said some weeks are happier than others…well, these are some dark times.

I’d normally be writing about the Spring Equinox right about now…in fact, it was today at 8:50p PT. The earliest vernal equinox in more than a century.

But no one noticed. And no one cared. Because at about the same time, California was issuing a state-wide “safer-at-home” mandate. Which is a fancy way of saying, “shelter in place.”

New stats today predicted that more than 50% of Californians will become infected with the Coronavirus in the next eight weeks. The “safer at home” order is a desperate attempt to slow the progress so that everyone doesn’t become sick at once and overwhelm our hospitals.

On one hand, I’m glad we’re starting now. The sooner we start, God willing, the sooner we come out the other side…healthy.

In the meantime, like most of you, I’ve suddenly found myself spending more and more time on social media. So many people are complaining about the news…but honestly, it’s my NEWSFEED that brings me down the most. We know the media is selling commercial airtime…but what are YOU selling?

Tomorrow, I’ll regain my bearings. For tonight I just want to say: Spread Happyness.

Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: Just Spread Happyness. Think before you post. There’s the old adage: “Is it true, is it kind, is it necessary?” But also, is it hopeful? Helpful? Happy? There is an Edith Wharton quote I used frequently after 9/11:

“There are two ways of spreading light…to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it.”
(Edith Wharton)

Spread Light, Spread Love — and for everyone’s sake please, Spread Happyness.

3/20/20 by Grace Church
© Grace Church

Week #287 – Help “Bring Smiles to Seniors”

St. Patty’s Day Smiles Ready to Go! (photo credit: Renee Eisman; used with permission)

Week #287 – Help “Bring Smiles to Seniors

Greetings Tribe!

Some weeks are happier than others. And this is a very difficult time for many of us. We are separated…from work, from school, from our places of worship, our families, our routines, our ability to travel, and from each other.

And one of the saddest cases of this is in nursing homes and other care facilities, where families are being told to refrain from visiting elderly relatives who are most at-risk for infection. (Source: CDC)

But one ray of light sprang to my mind: Renee Eisman, and the Bring Smiles to Seniors organization (founded by Jefferson, NJ native Ron Tyson).

I didn’t have time to interview Renee again for an update on her current activity…but I know as Mail Program Manager, her leadership and rallying of “Card Angels” is going to keep a lot of seniors connected at a time like this.

Here’s a reminder of how it all began…and a challenge to support her and her fellow card makers and senders at this critical time.

Week #117

During 2016’s Ten Weeks to Happyness, I shined a spotlight on Hopatcong, NJ native Renee Eisman — who is the Mail Program Manager for Bring Smiles to Seniors.  “Bring Smiles” is a non-profit in Odessa, FL that works with schools and organizations to decorate cards for seniors that are in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and homebound.

Their motto is “One card, one smile at a time.”

Renee’s story began a few years before that — when she first moved to Florida.  “I fell and hit my head two months after relocating.”  Renee suffered a subdural hematoma (bleeding of the brain).  Surgery and recovery followed.  “I never really had the chance to look for work.”

So Renee started mailing cards and letters to friends and family — to pass the time.

It wasn’t too soon after that Renee crossed paths with Ron Tyson (founder of Bring Smiles to Seniors) and joined the Bring Smiles team, working up to sending 150/200 cards per month in 2017…and up to 250 cards per month in 2018!

[Visit my original post here to learn the full story about how Renee got started!]

Week #176

I chatted with Renee again in January 2018 to get an update and find out her goal for the year ahead: 2,700 cards.

[Week #176 – Happyness Re-Visited: 2,000 Smiles and Counting!]

Week #221

And when I checked back with Renee in December of 2018, she not only met her goal — she blew past it! 3,000 cards and still counting at the time of that post!

[Week #221 – Happyness: It’s in the Mail!  (3,000 Smiles and STILL Counting)]

And now, their mission is critical.

Bring Smiles operates 100% on donations for all expenses and supplies to keep their program going. If you are interested in donating cards, postage, or supplies — or decorating and sending cards by yourself or with your group/organization — here’s everything you need to know:

Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: Help BRING SMILES TO SENIORS!  Visit “Bring Smiles to Seniors” on the Web or on Facebook to find out how you can donate postage, send supplies, or support their mission to send “Happy Mail” to seniors, shut-ins, or children in need.  Look for the pinned post entitled “HOW TO PARTICIPATE” — or reach out to Renee at the contact info below.  Above all, set your own goal of sending “HAPPY MAIL” in 2019 — and send smiles, “one card at a time!”

Spread Happyness — send a smile!  BRING SMILES TO SENIORS!

3/13/20 by Grace Church
© Grace Church

(PS: Special thanks to Renee Eisman for taking the time to share her story for my original post and all the updates that followed!  To learn more about Bring Smiles to Seniors, visit them on the web at — or on Facebook at — or contact Renee directly at

Week #286 – Happy March! (And Cheers to New Beginnings!)

Springtime at the Jersey Shore (photo credit: Grace Church)

Week #286 – Happy March! (And Cheers to New Beginnings!)

Greetings — and Happy March!!!

While some of you may still be buried in snow, it’s good to remember that Spring is right around the corner:

  • Daylight Savings Time begins this weekend
  • The Vernal Equinox is on the 19th
  • And the first day of baseball season is on the 26th

They all arrive this month!

Which has me thinking about this photo of the first sight of crocuses popping through the mulch at the Jersey Shore…and a post I wrote in April 2015 (Week #27).

In that post, I recalled a phrase that Rob used to say to me: “Let the balloon go, Grace.”  He was talking about worry (and sometimes needling me about my stuff) — but it has stayed with me as I look around at the things I’ve held on to, the time it has taken to think about it all, and the time it will take (either now or later) to “do something” about it.  Even if that means ultimately just throwing it away.

And once again, as I approach the anniversary of our sudden move to Los Angeles four years ago…I’m forced to evaluate how far I’ve come, where I’m going, and what might be standing in my way. Including those unpacked moving boxes!

I’ve made some significant progress this year with my decluttering — but there is still so much past to face in those boxes. As I’ve written before, it’s hard to hold on to the past and grab on to the future at the same time. But after four years now, even I know there is no going back.  Only forward.  And that’s going to require a lot more letting go!

Do you have things that you are holding on to that might be holding you back?  Is it emotional clutter — like anger, resentment, grief, loss, a mistake, a regret, a secret, or simply a missed opportunity you are punishing yourself over?  Or maybe it’s physical things that are standing in your way?  Or a toxic relationship that is stealing your joy?

Your Happyness Challenge for the week ahead: To New Beginnings!  March is a great time to open up space for new possibilities!  This month — join me in releasing whatever is holding you back.  Clean it out, declutter it, give it away, let it go.  Find a release ritual to help you “let those balloons go” and open your hands to what’s possible.  Here are some ideas:

(But whatever you do PLEASE DO NOT release real balloons into the air…they are only a metaphor!  And otherwise very bad for the environment!)

  • Write it down – then burn it (safely please!), flush it, float it out to sea, send it down a river, sink it in a lake, or bury it in your garden.  Write your NEW intention on a fresh piece of paper and keep it front and center as something for you to build on, rather than something that tears you down.
  • Throw/Give it away – in past decluttering sessions, I’ve found it helpful to keep a tally of how many items I’ve thrown away, and in some instances even take photos of those items (and share them only with the closest of friends or small group).
  • Love it — enough to let it go!  Sometimes the last thing we need to do to release something is to love it, to accept it, to acknowledge its importance, and to be honest about its role in our future.

They say to love something is to set it free.  I remind myself of this over and over as I sometimes grasp too tightly to things past.  I know full well I must open my hands so that they are free to do my best work: the work ahead of me.  The work of Happyness!

What do you need to let go of so that your hands are free to do YOUR best work?

Spread Happyness — and share your Release Rituals in the comments!

3/6/20 by Grace Church
© Grace Church

Week #285 – Keeping it “Shiny side up!”

Spread light. Spread love. Spread Happyness. (Photo credit: Grace Church)

[This post is a call back to Week #24 — which honors and remembers Gregory Pellinger, a Hopatcong High School student who lost his life in a motor vehicle accident five years ago in 2015.]

Week #285 – Keeping it “Shiny side up!”

I had someone ask me this week how I stay so positive.

My answer is…I don’t.

I’ve been through enough to know that bad things happen. Period. Doesn’t matter if you’re a good person or a bad person. So if a day is a pretty good day…then it sure makes sense to make the most of it, because the shit may hit the fan tomorrow (and I’ll wish I had today’s worries back instead!).

“Keep it shiny side up.” 

My brother, Rob, taught me to ride a motorcycle.  He was a great teacher and a very careful rider: never sloppy, cocky, or reckless.  He knew full well the dangers associated with riding…and he always said to me in a somewhat serious tone whenever we’d head out: “Keep it shiny side up, Grace.”

As so it is with life.  There are two sides to every event.  There is the dark side, the gritty and very real underside, the side where the rubber meets the road.  But there is a shiny side, too.  The upside.  The majestic and beautiful side.

In the wake of bad news — I find myself watching for the outpouring of love and support (and leadership) that inevitably follows. The leadership I witness — whether it be students, teachers, friends, family, or community — is always the shiny side of an event.  

While one family mourns…many move in to help.  While friends struggle to understand…others show strength.  While a town comes to its knees in grief…a community carries it through.

I know this to be true myself.  I’m reminded regularly of what it meant to me and my family to have an entire town stand with us when the unthinkable, the unbearable, and the still unbelievable happened.

And I know full well what it might mean to other families in the wake of a loss or shock of bad news.

“Keep it shiny side up” acknowledges the darkness…but insists on the light.

Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: When faced with a situation or event that seems negative, bleak, or dire — make a conscious effort to find the shiny side, as well.  Is there an opportunity for strength, for a challenge, for organization, for leadership, for a fresh idea, or for something only you can uniquely offer? Be part of the solution…and “keep it shiny side up.”

Is a bad situation calling YOU to shine your brightest this week?

Spread Happyness — and share your thoughts in the comments!

2/28/20 by Grace Church
© Grace Church

Week #284 – What difference does 15 minutes make? (Check out this math!)

Week #284 – What difference does 15 minutes make? (Check out this math!)

Greetings Tribe — and Happy Friday!!!

Earlier this week, I was reminded of the “cumulative effect” of time. It was something I first heard Jess Itzler (Marquis Jet, Coconut Water, Living with a Seal) talk about last year.

And I feel like it’s worth mentioning again…because time is our greatest non-renewable asset. It is, simply put, life itself. And we can use it — or lose it — fifteen minutes at a time.

What difference does 15 minutes make? Keep reading…and find out!

In Jess’s instance, he was talking about how getting up a few hours earlier for over a decade has added a few extra “years” of effort overall to his life.

I know, I know…another uber-successful entrepreneur talking about how early he gets up! But then I started to do the math using only 15 minute increments:

  • 15 minutes a day, times six days a week, is an hour and a half.
  • In one month, that’s a total of six hours (roughly…please don’t muss my math!).
  • In three months, that’s 18 hours.
  • In six months, that 36 hours (or three 12-hour days).
  • In a year — that’s SIX (very long and very full) DAYS.


The math blew me away! Imagine what we could accomplish in 12 hours straight for six days in a row. Now imagine there’s no rest breaks. No reprieve. How much would we really get accomplished?! And how exhausted might we be?! And, maybe more important, what could we do with that six days each year instead?!

What if we doubled it to a half hour (two full weeks a year)? Or an hour (four full weeks a year)?

Many of us (myself included) long to take a full week (or month) off to devote purely to a project, to ourselves, or to someone or something outside ourselves. If that seems a little out of reach right now, think about how you might achieve the same result in smaller, daily bites of time. It really does add up!

After all…you’re spending it anyway!

Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: What difference does fifteen minutes make? You do the math! Think about a project, person, or purpose that you wish you could devote an entire week of your year to…then consider where you could find just fifteen minutes (within your day as it exists right now) to chip away at that dream!

PS: This also means that every fifteen minutes we waste on a daily basis (oversleeping, scrolling, arguing, complaining, engaging in the unwin-able, or otherwise beating my head against a wall) adds up to one full week of my year…of doing NOTHING productive or in particular. If we wouldn’t spend a week doing it, why spend even fifteen minutes? 🙂

SpreadHappyness — spread it out (fifteen minutes at a time)!

2/21/20 by Grace Church
© Grace Church

Week #283 – “I believe in you!” (Encourage someone today!)

Used with permission. (Scott Cuzzo / SpryMind)

Week #283 – “I believe in you!” (Encourage someone today!)

Greetings Tribe — and Happy Friday!

I hope you all enjoyed a “Rob Church Kinda Day” this week!

I’m running out of daylight here on the West Coast and I was looking back at some favorite posts. I came across this one from Week #74...the week Spread Happyness was featured in a coloring book! So here’s a look back…and a little reminder:

I believe in you! (Now go encourage someone today!)

To recap: Spread Happyness was featured in a coloring book back in 2016. I had interviewed Scott Cuzzo of SpryMind in November 2015 as part of my “Happyness in Action” series.  Scott spreads happiness by creating coloring books that are good for adults of all ages and genders.  His most recent release at that time, “Believe!”, featured over two-dozen positive quotes and thoughts on the word “Believe” — including one from yours truly!

At the time of the release, I had been traveling for an entire month — away from home and my work routines.  Stripped of all the things that were keeping me focused, busy, on purpose, and pleasantly distracted. I was left with an abundance of time to be out in the world, and honestly, it just made me miss Rob more!

It was enough to make me want to get back on a plane and head home.

But I made myself stay…reminded as I was in October that if I can sit with it long enough, there was presence in the absence. There still is.  In every new experience, there is a painful reminder that he is gone for good. I cannot text him or call, cannot share the latest laugh, or ridiculousness, or Super Bowl commentary. Yet my relationship with him somehow continues.

Even five-plus years later.

It is a rock and a hard place.  Which reminds me of the coloring page that Scott drew for my quote, and my own interpretation of his drawing.  To me it was a rock — buried in a pile of other rocks — perhaps looking for a way out, or a way to the top, or encouraging another rock to do what seems impossible: BELIEVE!

Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: BELIEVE IN SOMEONE!!!  Rob loved to encourage people.  Even if he didn’t always believe in himself — he always took time to believe in others.  If you know someone who’s between a rock and a hard place — take time to say “I believe in you!”  Send them a note, share this page, or sit down and color with them while they sort it all out!

And if it’s you that’s feeling discouraged this week…then this post is for you!  “I believe in you!”

Spread Happyness…Encourage someone today!  Share your stories in the comments!

2/14/20 by Grace Church
© Grace Church

(To learn more about Scott Cuzzo: visit him on Facebook (, browse his coloring books on Amazon, or contact him directly at

Week #282 – It Takes 30 Seconds to Change the World: Smile, Wave, Say Hello, and Ask “How are you doing?”

(Photo credit: Courtesy of Gina Buongiorno)

Week #282 – It Takes 30 Seconds to Change the World: Smile, Wave, Say Hello, and Ask “How are you doing?”

Greetings Tribe — and Happy Friday!

It’s the first Friday in February — and Rob’s birthday month — so I’m going back to basics and revisiting the everyday, ordinary stuff so many of us continue to miss the most about him: his big wave that you could see from a mile away, his voice and unique way of saying hello, his easy smile and laugh, and his genuine interest in hearing how a person was doing (even when it wasn’t great).

I was reminded of these basics this past week when an acquaintance from home posed an interesting question on Facebook:

"If someone gifted you $5.6 million dollars 💸but you HAD to use it for a 30-second Super Bowl 🏈commercial, 🖥what would you say?" (Megan Faulkner - Director of Student Ministries, Ocean Grove Church)

As answers started rolling in about world peace, feeding the hungry, saving the animals, and living like Jesus — I thought of the other people in that imaginary room. So much of our current culture (and political climate) is stealing away our attention from INSIDE our four walls. My thought: turn to the people in the room with you and look them in the eye, tell them you love them, share a laugh, a joke, a smile, a hug, call them by name — just SEE them and give them the most valuable thing you have to offer at any given moment: your attention.

Which reminded me that Happyness isn’t rocket science…it’s in the most basic of things.  And they are all ours for the giving…any time…free of charge (no $5.6M price tag here)!

It only takes 30 seconds to:

  1. Wave Big
  2. Smile
  3. Say Hello Like You Mean It
  4. Ask: How are you doing?

Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: GET BACK TO BASICS!  It’s very easy to skip the basics and get right into the issues that are top of mind right now.  And while those issues are valid and important and worthy of discussion — they aren’t always the things that connect us to the people nearest and dearest to us. (And in some cases, they might actually divide us.)  So as you encounter others this week, remember to smile, wave, say hello, and ask “How are you doing?” Because it only takes 30 seconds to change the world: YOURS!!!

Spread Happyness — Get Back to Basics and Connect!

PS: Happy Birthday in Heaven, Bud! Every day that goes by only makes us miss you and love you more!!!

2/7/20 by Grace Church
© Grace Church

PPS: Thanks to Megan Faulkner for permission to share her post! Megan is a speaker, writer, and full-time ringleader to Ocean Grove’s favorite circus: Student Ministries! You can learn more about Megan at her website:

Week #281 – Valentine’s Day is Friday, February 14th! (Read this before buying that expensive gift!)

Week #281 – Valentine’s Day is February 14th!  (Read this before buying that expensive gift!)

We haven’t even flipped the calendar yet — but I want to warn you:

Valentine’s Day is two weeks from today!

That’s two Fridays from now! And Yes, this year Valentine’s Day is on a Friday. (Go ahead, check your calendar…I’ll wait.) Alright…good. Now that we’re on the same page…let’s continue. Because you really want to get out ahead of this one!

So I wanted to take a moment to repeat my little public service announcement to remind those of you who will celebrate this year:


(And for those of you who aren’t planning to celebrate…check out the PS: below just for you!)

You’ve got a good two weeks to pull together something — and if you make a call today, you may just get ahead of anyone who doesn’t realize that February starts tomorrow! But before you pull out your credit card to buy that expensive gift — or pick up the phone to find a dinner reservation for 7:30p (and yes, at this point, the good slots will be taken) — take a moment to think about what the Valentine in your life REALLY wants.

Back at Week #125, I took an informal poll back at — and asked people:
“What is it that you REALLY want for Valentine’s Day — but are afraid to ask for?”

Here, once again, are the answers!  (And one thing is for sure: most of them are not purchased at a mall or served in an overbooked restaurant.)

Take heart — and listen to what REAL PEOPLE told me they REALLY wanted for Valentine’s Day:

For Starters
– Words of Affirmation: 
the reality is, most people I asked did NOT respond with a request for a gift or money spent.  They wanted to hear good words from their partners.  You can start the day with a note, a card, or even a text (but PLEASE…don’t follow it up with a request!).
– Affection: from young to old, many people (women particularly), want some physical reassurance that you are their one-and-only.  Hold a hand, give a hug, plant a kiss (but again, don’t follow it up with a request or expectation for more!).
– Surprise at Work: one woman I spoke with initially told me she wanted dinner and dancing — but then confided that she and her husband always do that.  What she really wanted was for him to send flowers to her workplace.  In her words, “we know we exist when someone else thinks of us.” This could take the form of candy, flowers, fruit, or even donut bouquets! (Bonus points for sending them on Monday so he/she can have them all week!)

The Main Course
– Dinner/Movie: 
Dinner is a go-to part of Valentine’s Day — but most everyone I talked to didn’t want the hassle of going out.  Much of this depends on where you are in your relationship — but preparing a special meal at home (one young millennial mentioned grilling steaks for his girl) and settling on the couch to watch a movie (he lets her pick) was his plan for February 14th.
– Dinner/Dancing: Still, there are those who look forward to getting gussied up and going out on the town!  As mentioned, if this is you — make your plans early, leave plenty of time, and go all-out!  (And pay cash…you’ll both feel better about it the next day!)
– Gifts: Surprisingly, more men mentioned to me the desire for a gift!  A nice watch, electronics, or sports gear seemed to top the list.  However, more than one woman mentioned cash or a gift certificate to her favorite store or service.  (As far as gifts go, permission to splurge on oneself should not be overlooked!)
– Nature: Whether it’s a long walk, a beach day, a ski-day, or a lazy drive — the quiet of nature is a great place to get out and get connected to one another.
– Get-a-way: If it’s in the budget and wouldn’t cause additional stress — make plans to slip away for a weekend or even just an overnight for a little one-on-one time.  A snowy lodge, a flashy casino, or a quaint B&B might be just what you need to remember what brought you together in the first place!

The Sweet Stuff
– Conversation: 
Both men and women reported wanting to “really talk” with their significant others.  And as one young man said to me: “if I could have anything, I’d just want him listen to me.”
– Cuddling: Sorry guys…but top ‘o the ladies’ lists is a good cuddle!  I know you may not be able to understand it…but the ability of a man to selflessly provide affection can be very erotic!
– Sex: Sorry ladies…but the one thing your guy is really hoping for is that you still dig him.  If you really want to surprise your guy, let him know it!

– Couple’s Challenge: 
One young man I asked told me that he would love for his partner to commit to a challenge with him!  Whether it’s to get in shape, quit a bad habit, build a new one, redecorate that spare office or basement, or plan for a vacation — some couples thrive on encouragement and teamwork!  Working together to achieve a goal can be a great way demonstrate your love and commitment throughout the year!

Your Happyness Challenge for the week ahead: Valentine’s Day is Friday, February 14th!  Do you know what the love in your life REALLY wants?  Use this list to jump start the conversation!  Present him/her with a menu of options and have them circle their favorites.  You might even be able to team up to make sure you BOTH get a little of everything you want throughout the day.  The most important thing is to PLAN AHEAD!  Whatever your love wants — don’t leave it until the last minute.  And if it is reservations — please make them now, preferably for BEFORE or AFTER the 7:30p rush!  (And be sure to take care of your servers and bartenders, chances are it’s their Valentine’s Day too.)

Above all: Remember that Valentine’s Day is available every day — not just once a year!

[A big THANK YOU to all the brave souls who let me put them on the spot — and whose honest sharing made this post possible!]

Spread Happyness — PLAN AHEAD!  And share your Valentine’s Day ideas in the comments!

PS: I realize that for some, Valentine’s Day may not be the happiest of holidays this year or ever.  Death, divorce, disagreements, or decline can bring about mixed emotions — or maybe you are just flying solo this year and aren’t happy about it.  If this is you, you are not alone.  Many people report similar feelings.  Their advice?  Seek refuge in the comfort of safe friends, the company of like-minded people, or in the things that you really want for yourself!  Or…throw a Quirky Alone Day or Galentine’s Day party for you and anyone else who wants to celebrate “romance, friendship, and the independent spirit” by putting a heart on all kinds of love: romantic, platonic, familial, and the best love of all…loving yourself! (And don’t forget the pets!)

1/31/20 by Grace Church
© Grace Church